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FloriPEFCR: The European standard for the environmental footprint of floriculture products  

The FloriPEFCR (Floriculture Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules) is the European standard that helps measure the environmental impact of cut flowers and potted plants. These rules have been specially developed for the floriculture sector, enabling a standardised assessment of the environmental performance of products. But how does it work, and why is it important? 

The FloriPEFCR is a calculation method based on Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and includes sixteen impact categories and eight life cycle stages. It can even calculate the environmental footprint per stem or pot, from the extraction of raw materials to the end of the product’s lifecycle. This includes elements such as the amount of water and energy needed to grow the plant, as well as transport, packaging, and the waste generated after use. All these factors are combined to determine an overall environmental footprint.  

Sustainable business operations
You can use the FloriPEFCR to identify so-called ‘hotspots’ in your environmental footprint. These might be related to specific life cycle stages, activities, or emissions. You can then explore potential improvements to make your business operations more sustainable. For instance, you could reduce your footprint by switching to a different energy source or by choosing a different packaging method. 

You can also monitor your footprint over the years by calculating it across multiple years. The results can be used to provide insights to your customers about your footprint, demonstrating your commitment to sustainable business practices. 

A more sustainable floriculture sector
The FloriPEFCR is a significant step towards a more sustainable floriculture sector. It contributes to fair comparisons, greater transparency, and encourages businesses to operate more sustainably.