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Five things you need to know about an environmental footprint

What exactly is an environmental footprint? How can I leverage it for my business? These are surely questions that come to mind when you are working on your nursery’s sustainability strategy. Below, we list five things you need to know about an environmental footprint.

What is an environmental footprint?
An environmental footprint indicates how much impact your business has on the environment. This is measured in factors such as carbon emissions, water usage and waste production. In the floriculture sector, this relates to things such as the use of energy in greenhouses, water for irrigation and the transportation of flowers and plants.

Every step in the production process counts
From growing flowers to transporting them to consumers, every step in the production process affects the footprint. Consider the use of fertilizers, crop protection agents, packaging materials and how you transport your products to customers. Everything contributes to your overall footprint.

A broader view of footprinting
While the carbon footprint is a well-known component, a full environmental footprint encompasses much more than just greenhouse gas emissions. When calculating the footprint through the HortiFootprint Calculator, the FloriPEFCR calculation method is used. This is a method that provides insight into 16 different environmental indicators spread across the 8 life stages of a product.

Small changes, big difference
Using the new HortiFootprint Calculator from MPS and LetsGrow.com, you can calculate and see the impact of your product on each of the 16 impact categories used in the FloriPEFCR. This gives you insight into the steps to take to make your business process (more) sustainable. For example, by switching to green energy sources, optimizing water use or through water reuse or rainwater harvesting. But also, for example, by choosing alternatives to toxic chemicals and opting for biodegradable packaging materials.

A look to the future
Reducing your footprint is not only good for the environment, but also for your business. Consumers increasingly value sustainability and are more likely to choose flowers and plants from companies that make environmentally conscious choices. By understanding your footprint and investing in sustainable solutions, you can significantly reduce your floriculture company’s impact on the environment. This not only helps the planet, but also strengthens your competitive position in an increasingly sustainable market.

Are you curious about the benefits of the HortiFootprint Calculator for your business? Request a non-binding demo and discover how you can achieve a more sustainable cultivation process.