Logo Horti Footprint Calculator

Maximise sustainability impact with the HortiFootprint Calculator

  • Experience with groups of growers
  • Certified data
  • Including scenario calculation to predict impact

CO2 reduce

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which calculation method is used?

The HortiFootprint Calculator (HFC) will be based on the calculation rules from the Flori Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (FloriPEF-CR). These are expected to be approved by the European Commission as the standard calculation method by mid-2023.

What factors are included in the footprint calculation?

Currently, the following factors are included in our footprint calculation: crop protection agents, fertilisers, use of energy, capital goods, packaging, substrates, transport and CO2 emission. We are continuously developing to eventually calculate the full Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) with a total of 16 impact categories. Some examples of other categories are climate change, ozone pollution, water use and ecotoxicity.

Is the footprint calculated at company or product level?

By standard, the footprint calculation is calculated at company level. For monoculture companies (one crop), it is also possible to have the footprint calculated at product level. Currently, product level calculations for companies with multiple crops are under development.

In what way will the data be validated (audited)?

The advantage for MPS-ABC certified companies is that they already record 70-80% of the data needed for a footprint calculation. Moreover, these data are validated by audits and leaf samplings that are part of the MPS-ABC standard.

Is the absorption of CO2 from my horticultural product also included in the calculation?

No. We intentionally choose not to include the absorption of CO2 by floriculture products in the footprint calculation. There is no standard calculation method developed for this.

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Customer experience

Two growers have tested the HortiFootprint Calculator. Find out more about their experience.

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Customers who already work with the calculator

HFC deelnemer P. van Geest
HFC deelnemer Hofland Flowering Plants
HFC deelnemer Sjaak van Schie
HFC deelnemer P. van Geest
HFC deelnemer Hofland Flowering Plants
HFC deelnemer Sjaak van Schie
HFC deelnemer P. van Geest
HFC deelnemer Hofland Flowering Plants
HFC deelnemer Sjaak van Schie
HFC deelnemer P. van Geest
HFC deelnemer Hofland Flowering Plants
HFC deelnemer Sjaak van Schie